BCC Track Racing and Training
Bathurst Velodrome, 624 Vale Road, Bathurst
Contact - Bathurst CC Track Co-Ordinator Marian Renshaw 0438 413 423
2024/25 Track Season September 2024 – Apr 2025
Members wishing to use the Velodrome for training must contact Track Co-Ordinator Marian Renshaw before use.
Marian Renshaw 0438 413 423
Training/racing details are set out below. Racing events are on the website Calendar but also refer to Club Facebook site for updates.
Training –
All riders to have AusCycling Race All Discipline or Lifestyle Membership. Club Training is free of charge. Club Coaches control Club Training.
Training outside of club training – contact Marian
Light usage involves a fee – contact Marian
Racing –
All riders to have AusCycling Race All Discipline Membership.
Club Racing cost $3 U13 down, $5 U15 up, Families capped at $10
Bathurst Velodrome
Bathurst Velodrome is a closed facility controlled by the Bathurst Cycling Club. All visiting riders wishing to train/race on the velodrome are to contact Track Co-Ordinator Marian Renshaw before riding.
Club Training Weekly Routine
Refer to club calendar and Club Facebook site for updates
Club Junior Training
These sessions all riders are coached by club coaches and no other training may occur on the velodrome at these times. Refer to Website's Junior Tab for Junior session details.
Monday Mornings – 6-10am Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Monday Afternoons - 4-8pm Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Tuesday Mornings – 6-10am Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Tuesday Afternoons - 4-6pm Junior Club Training, 6-8pm Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Wednesday Mornings – 6-10am Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Wednesday Afternoons - 4-6.30pm Junior Club Training, 6.30-8pm Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Thursday Mornings – 6-10am Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Thursday Afternoons - 4-6pm Junior Club Training, 6-8pm Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Friday Mornings - 6-10am Open Club Training (U15 and up)
Friday Afternoons – Club racing see expanded details below
Saturday Mornings – 6am-12 noon Club Coached State/National Training
Club Racing Weekly Routine
Friday Club Racing
Junior Racing - U9P, U9, U11, U13 and other junior riders not yet ready for senior racing
4.30pm Sign on
4.45pm - 5.45pm Racing
Senior Racing - U15 and up
6.00-6.30pm Sign on and Warm up
6.30pm Racing Starts
Race format
Graded racing with a varied racing format each week, with Special Event Races and Club Championship events spread through the summer. New riders always welcome. Please contact Marian to discuss your Club Racing/training needs.
Club Championships and Special Events
Bathurst Cycling Club conducts Club Championship and Special Events to encourage our Club members and support the racing culture of our Club. As such please note the following:
Club Championships
- Only Bathurst CC Members may claim the title of Club Champion
- Bathurst CC Members must have competed in 3 Club events for Track in the season of the championship to claim the title but are welcome to compete
- Track season commences in September and ends in April of the following year.
- Visitors are welcome to compete in the event but may not claim the title Special Events
- Only Bathurst CC Members may win the trophy i.e., the first placed Bathurst CC member wins the trophy
- Visitors are welcome and will claim any prizes applicable to their finishing place accept the trophy
Road Training on the track during winter.
Club Racing Waivers
By entering yourself or your child you acknowledge:
1. Covid-19 - attendees must comply with any Government directions applicable at the time of the event.
2. Event Risk Acknowledgement Waiver:
a) I understand, acknowledge, and accept that cycling is an inherently dangerous sport, which may result in severe injury or death from a collision, fall, mechanical failure, physical exertion, or other incident.
b) I voluntarily participate in this event at my own risk.
c) I waive any rights I may otherwise have against AC, the event promoter and their agents and representative relating to, and agree they are not responsible for, any loss or damage resulting from my participation in the event, including any loss that may arise from death or injury to myself or others, or damage to any property.
d) I agree to follow the directions of any event organiser or official and the AusCycling Technical Regulations and policies.
e) If the participant in this event is under 18 years of age, I warrant that I am a parent or guardian of the participant and agree for myself and the participant that I provide the acknowledgements, agreements and waiver set out above in respect of the participant.
3. Membership: I confirm I hold a financial race all discipline membership with AusCycling.
4. Permission to record and use images. By entering my child and/or myself in this event I:1) as the child's parent or guardian acknowledge that photographs and videos of myself and/or my child may be taken during the event; and 2) give permission for AusCycling and the event promoter to record, keep, publish and display such photographs and videos of myself or my child: and 3)agree that these may be used on social media, websites, in news media and in other publications and promotional material. Please advise the Bathurst Cycling Club Committee bathurstcyclingclub@gmail.com if you do not wish for you or your child to be photographed or filmed at the event.