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Duty Roster

Duty Roster Detail

Duty Officer's should print off, read and bring to the event the below files.

The completion of all forms is essential to meeting race permissions.

Handicap Information will be provided by the Road Team.


Duty Officer Information Pack

Click Here



Webscorer Confirmation List

Go into Webscorer after registration is closed. Open Confirmation List, Select Print this page (Top right hand corner in green). This is your contact-less rider check list.

Duty Officer Roster

If you are unable to do your rostered day, then the responsibility is on you to find a replacement.

If your turn comes up to do the sign duty and you are unsure of what to do, please ask a committee member for help. By giving up a few weekends of racing a year you are helping to spread the workload to run a bike race and are not burdening the same people week after week.





5th Bruce & Craig Hutton and Nathan Henderson

13th No racing. Supercars weekend

20th Jack Cannon, Nigel Swan, Peter Hickey, Cathy Adams and Rob Stephen.

27th No racing. Bowral classic





7th Rod Esdaile, Marian Renshaw & Rosemary Hastings

14th No racing

21st David Hyland, Steve Bennett & Kevin Bell

28th Lovett family, Fran Walker & Neil Yeo



3rd Mick Foran, Brad Rayner & Scott Allen 

10th Peter Wilson, Cathy Adams & Nick Barrett 

17th  No racing

24th Dave Reece, Gary Hamer & Mark Gallagher 

31st  No racing 



6th Jack Cannon, Mark Windsor & Nathan Henderson & Rob Stephen

13th  Scott James, Nigel Swan & Rob Stephen

20th  N0 racing

27th. Racing cancelled due to rain



1st Tony Shaw, Kevin Bell & Stevo

8th No racing

15th, Nev Krahe, Fran Walker & Dave Claypole

22nd Rosemary Hastings, Cathy Adams, Marian Renshaw, Stevo, Theo Theol, Tracey Robinson, David Hyland, Neil Yeo, Darren Fenton, Nev Krahe & tba

29th Bruce & Craig Hutton & Peter Hickey & Stevo




4th.  No Racing. Mudgee Classic

11th  No Racing. Gravel event

18th  Steve Bennett, Stevo & David Hyland

25th. Rosemary Hastings, Marian Renshaw & Stevo 




7th Mick Foran, Scott Allen & Rod Esdaile

13th Velo Crits

20th Rob Stephen, Fran Walker & Stuart Renshaw

27th Nick Barrett, Rob Stephen & Virginia van Gend



3rd  Rosie Hastings,  Marian Renshaw & tba 

17th  Darren Fenton, Jack Cannon & Nigel Swan

24th  Mark Windsor, Toireasa Gallagher & Scott James

29th. Brian Draper and Damien Bennett



4th  No racing 

11th Cathy Adams, Damian Bennett & David Hyland

18th Bruce and Craig Hutton & Rosemary Hastings

25th David Reece, Gary Hamer & Peter Hickey



28th Cathy, Rosie and Ange












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